- [Function]
lb ub [avoid] [state])
Returns a random number equal to or greater than lb but
less than ub. If both lb and ub are
integers then an integer value is returned, otherwise a floating point
value is returned. If avoid is specified then the random
value selected will not equal it. The optional random state
defaults to *random-state*
Example 1. Random selection using between
(between 1 3) ⇒ 2 (between 1 2.0) ⇒ 1.8205206 (between 1 1) ⇒ 1 ;;; random integers without direct repetition (loop repeat 10 for n = (between 1 5 n) collect n) ⇒ (4 2 3 4 1 4 2 3 1 4)
Example 2. A random process using between
(define (play-between lo hi k1 k2 r1 r2 a1 a2 c1 c2) (process repeat (between lo hi) for k = (between k1 k2 k) ; no repeated note for r = (between r1 r2) for d = (* r (between .5 1.5)) for a = (between a1 a2) for c = (between c1 c2) output (new midi :time (now) :keynum k :amplitude a :duration d) wait r)) (events (play-between 10 20 30 60 .5 1.5 .2 .8 0 6) "test.mid") ⇒ "test.mid"