
Holds a tuning of the standard chromatic scale. Note names in the chromatic scale are formed by combining a pitch class name from (c d e f g a b) with an optional natural (n), sharp (s), flat (f), double-sharp (ss) or double-flat (ff) and an optional octave number -1 to 9. For example, a4 is tuning A with a key number of 69, or 440 Hz; the note c-1 is the C in the lowest octave, or key number 0 at 8.175798 Hz and note bss9 is the highest note in the scale at key number of 133 with a frequency of 17739.684 Hz.

Table 1. Enharmonic note names in the standard chromatic scale.

0c cn bs dff
1cs df bss
2d dn css eff
3ef ds fff
4e en ff dss
5f fn es gff
6fs gf ess
7g gn fss aff
8af gs
9a an gss bff
10bf as cff
11b bn cff ass

See also: