(tendency x low high [:scale num] [:offset num] [:min num] [:max num] [:state num])

Returns a random y value that lies between the value of x in low and high envelopes. If low or high are unchanging they may be expressed as a single value. Use random to provide a random generator other than the random function. This generator is passed two arguments: the floating point range high to low and the state, a random state object that defaults to *random-state*. The value returned by tendency can be optionally scaled and offset according to the scale and offset arguments. scale and offset can be alternately specified as min and max, in which case min is the offset and scaler is set to max-min.

cm> (loop for i by .2 to 2
            collect (tendency i '(0 0 1.5 .5) '(0 1 1.5 .75)))
(.37 .77 .62 .50 .44 .34 .75 .48 .55 .66 .69)

See Also: