
A root class defining Csound i-statement events.

i supports the following slot initializations:

:ins number
Sets the i-statement number of the event.
:time number
Sets the start time of the event.
:dur number
Sets the duration of the event.


Example 1. Defining a new i event

(defobject i1 (i)
  (freq amp)
  (:parameters time dur freq amp))

Example 2. Generating a Csound score.

(define (blur n)
  (process repeat n
           output (new i1 :time (now) 
                       :freq (between 20 2000) ; Hertz
                       :dur .4 :amp .1)
	   wait .015))

; score file header string
(define sco-header  
  "f1 0 8192 10 0.0  0.41 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.00")

(events (blur) "blur.sco" 0
	:header sco-header
	:orchestra "blur.orc" 
	:output "blur.aiff")

See also: