- [Function]
- (
freq modulus [:offset
n] [:in
x] [:accidental
Returns freq mod modulus. freq can be a note or keynum or list of the same. If offset is specified it is added to freq after the modulus has been performed. The default value of offset is true which causes freq lists to be offset to the first element in the list and non-lists to be offset by 0.
cm> (scale-mod '(c4 g5) 12)
(c4 g4)
See Also:
- hertz [Function]
- invert [Function]
- keynum [Function]
- note [Function]
- note-accidental [Function]
- note-name [Function]
- octave-number [Function]
- pitch-class [Function]
- prime-form [Function]
- scale-max [Function]
- scale-min [Function]
- scale< [Function]
- scale<= [Function]
- scale= [Function]
- scale> [Function]
- scale>= [Function]
- transpose [Function]