(transpose freq interval [scale])

Returns the transposed value of freq in scale. freq may be a note name, key number or list of the same. Interval may be an integer, encoded interval or note.

transpose supports the following optional arguments:

The tuning in which the transposion occurs. The default value is *scale*


Example 1. Transposing key number, notes and modes.

(transpose 'a4 1)
(transpose 69 -1)
(transpose '(0 4 7) 60)
 (60 64 67)
(transpose '(0 3 4) 'as4)
 (bf4 cs5 d5)
(transpose '(c4 e g) (interval 'aug 4))
 (fs4 as4 cs5)
(new mode :name 'phrygian :degrees '(e f g a b c d e))
 #<mode: "phrygian" (on e)>
(transpose #&phrygian 'bf)
 #<mode: "phrygian" (on bf)>

See also: