(set-receiver! hook stream)

Installs hook to receive stream data as soon as it arrives from an external application. No values are returned by set-receiver! or by hook. Receiving remains in effect until canceled by remove-receiver!.

The calling syntax of hook depends on stream:

Implementation and Limitations:

Receiving is implemented in the following Lisp/OS combinations:

From the caller's perspective hook appears to receive data asynchronously but actually receiving is always polling in some manner; how this polling is implemented depends on what facilities the host Lisp provides. CM utilizes two different strategies for implementing non-blocking receiving:


Example 1. Receiving input from Portmidi.

;;; open with no latency for interactive work. the input and
;;; output device ids to open will depend on your MIDI setup.

(define *pm*
  (portmidi-open :input 1 :output 3 :latency 0))

;;; a midi through

(set-receiver! (lambda (mm ms) ms (output mm :to *pm*))

;;; play your keyboard...then

(remove-receiver! *pm*)

;;; make a harmonizer

  (lambda (mm ms) ms
    (if (or (note-on-p mm)
            (note-off-p mm))
      (let ((k (note-on-key mm)))
        (output mm :to *pm*)
        (output (midi-copy-message mm :data1 (+ k 3)) 
                :to *pm*)
        (output (midi-copy-message mm :data1 (+ k 7)) 
                :to *pm*))))

;;; play your keyboard...then

(remove-receiver! *pm*)


Example 2. Using a receiver to trigger processes in rts.

(define (tonto len knum wai amp)
  (process repeat len
           output (new midi :time (now)
                       :duration .1 :amplitude amp
                       :keynum (between knum (+ knum 12)))
           wait wai))

(define (trigger mm ms)
  (if (note-on-p mm)
      (sprout (tonto 10 (note-on-key mm) .1 
                     (/ (note-on-velocity mm) 127.0)))))

(define *pm*
  (portmidi-open :input 1 :output 3 :latency 0))

(rts #f *pm*)

(set-receiver! #'trigger *pm*)

;;; play your keyboard...then

(remove-receiver! *pm*)



See also: