
A pattern that combines transposition data with transposition offsets to return notes, key numbers or lists of the same. Transposed data may be optionally retrograded and inverted.

transposer supports the following slot initializations:

:of {list | pattern}
The transposition data. Elements in list or pattern can be notes or key numbers. A list is treated as a single unit by the transposer.
:by {note | keynum | pattern}
Sets the transposition offset. If a pattern is specified a new offset is selected each period of the transposition data. The alias name :on can also be used for this initialization.
:stepping {pattern}
Like :by except that a new transposition offset is selected each time an element is transposed rather than once each period.
:form {:p | :i | :r | :ri | pattern}
A symbol or pattern of symbols that specifies the "row form" for list data returned by the transposer, where :p stands for prime, :i for inversion, :r for retrograde and :ri for retrograde-inversion. Either symbols or keywords can be used to specify the row form. A new row form is read each time the transposition offset changes.
:mod {number | pattern}
Optional modulus on list data.
:scale {scale}
The scale to transpose data in. The default value is the *chromatic-scale*.

See generic pattern initializations for documentation on additional keyword initializations to the pattern.


Example 1. Wandering chords.

(define pat1
  (new transposer
       :of (new weighting :of '(((0 2 6 11) :weight 1)
                             ((0 3 5 10) :weight .25)
                             ((0 4 9 15) :weight .5)
                             ((0 3 11) :weight .5)
                             ((0 8 11) :weight .5)))
       :stepping (new range :from 60 :to 70 :downto 50
                      :stepping (new weighting
                                     :of '(-1 1 -2 2 -3 3)))))

(define (play-pat reps pat rate)
  (process repeat reps
           each k in (next pat)
           output (new midi :time (now)
                       :keynum k
                       :duration (* rate 1.5))
           wait rate))

(events (play-pat 50 pat1 .3) "test.mid")

Example 2. Random 12-tone generator

(define (ran-row end)
  (let ((rows (new transposer
                :of (new cycle :of '(0 1 6 -5 10 11 5 16 15 21 26 20))
                :on (new weighting :keynums '(c4 cs3 b3 fs4 fs3))))
        (rhys (new weighting 
                :of `((t :min 4) (s :min 2) 
                      (q :weight 3)
                      (te :min 3) (tq :min 3) 
                      ,(new cycle :of '(e. s))
                      (e :weight 2))))
        (amps (new weighting :of '((mf :weight 7)
                                (mp :weight 3)
    (process while (< (now #t) end)
             for k = (next rows)
             for r = (rhythm (next rhys) 70)
             for a = (amplitude (next amps))
             output (new midi :time (now)
                         :keynum k :amplitude a
                         :duration r)
             wait r )))
(events (ran-row 30) "test.mid")

See also: